Registration Information

1) Go to
2) At the top of the screen, click “CREATE ACCOUNT”
3) Fill in your information; don’t forget to select Iowa State University as your school

  • If you are a current student, you need to use your ISU email address to create your account
  • If you are a Rec pass holder or don’t have an ISU email address, you can use your personal email address but you will need to be verified by an admin prior to officially being able to join the ISU network.

4) You will be sent an activation email with a link to login and activate your account
5) Download the IMLeagues app to your phone/tablet to be able to login to your account using your mobile device

1) Go to to find the list of activities offered this semester (the registration period is listed on the right side of the page)
2) Click on the sport you want to sign up for; it will take you to the IMLeagues page for that sport
3) Sign in to your IMLeagues account
4) If there are different leagues within the sport, find which one you want to join
5) You can join a sport 1 of 3 different ways:

  • flag football

    Create a Team

    • Captains can invite members to their team by clicking “Team Options” and then the “Invite Members” link on the team page.  Invited members must accept the invitation to be officially added to your team.
    • If the person already has an IMLeagues account, you can search for their name and invite them.
    • If they haven’t registered for an account yet, scroll down to the “Invite by Email Address” box and input their email address.
  • a photo of a team playing spikeball

    Join a Team

    • Find existing teams on the league page and click the “Join Team” button to send a request to join a team.
    • Accept a request from the captain to join their team.


  • an image of a student at a 3 point shooting contest

    Sign Up as a Free Agent

    • You can list yourself as a free agent in as many leagues that are applicable to you. 
    • You will be visible to all members as they sign up their teams. 
    • Teams looking to add additional player(s) can then request to add you to their team.