Games List


All users who want to play PC games will need to have their own Steam, Battlenet, Epic, etc account in order to access the game launchers.

** Designate “house account games” – these are games the room has purchased and you can use the house account to play these when in the gaming room.

This list may not always be fully updated, so please note that some games may not be included.


If you have games that you’d like to see added to our list of options, please email Nathan Pick, for consideration.

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Battlenet

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Battlenet

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Epic

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Epic

Platform: PS4, xBox

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Origin

Platform: PS4, xBox

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Epic

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Epic

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Battlenet

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Epic

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Battlenet

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Riot

Platform: PS4, xBox

Platform: Switch

Platform: PS4, xBox

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Epic

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Battlenet

Platform: PS4, xBox

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Epic

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Epic

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Epic

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Battlenet

Platform: Switch

Platform: Switch

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Riot

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam, Origin

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam, Ubisoft

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam

Platform: PC

Launcher Used: Steam